A blog about everything and anything.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A woman should never have a beard.

I've realized two major things today....

   1. Much like thepeopleofwalmart.com, there should also be a thingsyouseeonmarket.com because the things i have seen just driving up and down market have been nutty. There have been people pushing carts across 5 lanes of traffic right in front of your 45 mph car. Men in wheelchairs pushing themselves with their feet. And crazy asian Danny Devitos who yell at gas stations. I could write an entire novel just on these experiences.

   2. There is a fatal flaw to my ingenious idea of getting my daily coffee from the front office - i must pass the plate of cookies and donuts. So far i have yet to resist...i'm sure one day ill be strong. But so long as the donuts are glazed and the cookies are fresh then i will consider myself a weakling. 

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